Analytical Reasoning MCQs Test with Answers

Analytical Reasoning MCQs Test with Answers

Analytical Reasoning MCQs Test with Answers pdf download free. Solved mcqs test online analytical reasoning questions answers.

1.Six friends, A, B, C, D, E, and F, are sitting in a circle. B is to the left of A, C is opposite E, and D is next to F. Who is sitting between C and A?
a) D b) E c) F d) None of the above

Answer: a) D

2.Today is Sunday. If 7 days ago was Friday, what day will it be 5 days from now?
a) Saturday b) Monday c) Tuesday d) Thursday

Answer: b) Monday

3.The letters A, B, C, D, and E are coded as 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 respectively. If the code for CAT is 311, what is the code for BAT?
a) 241 b) 214 c) 124 d) 412

Answer: d) 412

4.The sequence starts: 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, … What is the next number in the sequence?
a) 21 b) 24 c) 27 d) 30

Answer: a) 21

5.Light is to sight as sound is to:
a) Touch b) Taste c) Hearing d) Smell

Answer: c) Hearing

6.The statement “Everyone in the room wants ice cream” assumes which of the following?
a) There are people in the room. b) The room is cold. c) Some people in the room do not want ice cream. d) Ice cream is available.

Answer: a) There are people in the room

7.Circle A represents all musicians, and circle B represents all guitarists. Which area represents musicians who are not guitarists?
a) Inside A but outside B b) Inside B but outside A c) Outside both A and B d) Cannot be determined

Answer: a) Inside A but outside B

8.The series starts: 2, 5, 10, 17, 26, … What is the next number in the sequence?
a) 35 b) 37 c) 47 d) 62

Answer: d) 62

9.Map is to territory as recipe is to:
a) Kitchen b) Ingredients c) Instructions d) Meal

Answer: c) Instructions

10.The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are coded as A, B, C, D, and E respectively. If the code for 14 is DC, what is the code for 32?
Answer: BDEA

11.You flip a fair coin twice. What is the probability of getting at least one heads?
a) 1/4 b) 1/2 c) 3/4 d) 1

Answer: c) 3/4

12.The series starts: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, … What is the next number in the sequence?
a) 18 b) 21 c) 24 d) 27

Answer: c) 24

13.All birds have feathers. All penguins have feathers. Therefore, all penguins are:
a) Birds b) Animals c) Black and white d) Cannot be determined

Answer: a) Birds

14.The series starts: 8, 10, 14, 18, 24, … What is the next number in the sequence?
a) 28 b) 30 c) 32 d) 36

Answer: a) 28

15.The statement “This painting is a masterpiece” assumes which of the following?
a) The painting is expensive. b) The painting is old. c) The speaker is an art expert. d) The painting is beautiful.

Answer: c) The speaker is an art expert