Most important places to insert keywords in the article

Most important places to insert keywords in the article

Writing SEO friendly content plays an important role to get high traffic for your website therefore we should not ignore most important places to insert keywords in the article before writing a blog post. We should conduct keyword research to identify these keywords effectively and particularly high CPC keywords.

Start by searching your primary keyword on a search engine; this will unveil related terms within the results. For instance, a search for “laptops prices” might reveal keywords like” low laptop price” and “latest laptops.” Additionally, keywords tools such as Google Trends or Ahrefs to delve deeper into trending topics and discern your audience’s search preferences.

Google Trends offers insights by comparing the search frequency of two terms over time, while Ahrefs provides advanced metrics like keyword volume and traffic potential. These metrics aid in pinpointing the most impactful keywords for your content. There are also many other paid tools for keywords research.

Once you have identified your target keywords, integrate them organically and strategically. Avoid haphazardly inserting keywords without considering context or readability. This ensures a positive user experience and heightens your chances of securing a prime spot on SERPs.

Most important places to insert keywords in the article

Read Also: How Create SEO friendly website to get high traffic

The most important places to insert keywords in the article are:

  1. Article Title: Opt for the primary keyword while maintaining natural phrasing.
  2. Meta Description: Incorporate primary and secondary keywords for better rankings.
  3. Introduction & Conclusion: Introduce the keyword early and reiterate it in the conclusion and CTA.
  4. Headings (H1s, H2s, and H3s): Utilize keywords in headings to aid indexing and potential featured snippets.
  5. Image Alt Text: Assist Google in understanding images, boosting search visibility.
  6. Throughout Your Content: Integrate keywords organically without excessive repetition.
  7. URL: Include the primary keyword to reinforce relevance to Google.